Loop in PHP

In PHP, when we need to execute some block of code, multiple times. Then loop comes into picture. That is, loop is used to execute specified block of code multiple times, based on the condition of the loop.

Types of Loop in PHP

There are four types of loop, that can be used in PHP:

  1. for Loop
  2. while Loop
  3. do-while Loop
  4. foreach Loop

Note - The foreach loop works only for arrays.

PHP Loop Example

Let me create an example of a loop in PHP. I am going to print table of 12 using for, while, and do-while loop:

   $num = 12;
   echo "Table of $num using for Loop<BR>";
   for($i=1; $i<=10; $i++)
      echo $num*$i;
      echo "<BR>";
   echo "<HR>";
   echo "Table of $num using while Loop<BR>";
      echo $num*$i;
      echo "<BR>";
   echo "<HR>";
   echo "Table of $num using do-while Loop<BR>";
      echo $num*$i;
      echo "<BR>";

The output produced by above example on PHP loop, is shown in the snapshot given below:

loop in php

The above program can also be modified and simplified in this way:

   $num = 12;
   echo "Using for Loop<BR>";
   for($i=1; $i<=10; $i++)
      echo "$num * $i = ", $num*$i, "<BR>";
   echo "<HR>";
   echo "Using while Loop<BR>";
      echo "$num * $i = ", $num*$i++, "<BR>";
   echo "<HR>";
   echo "Using do-while Loop<BR>";
      echo "$num * $i = ", $num*$i++, "<BR>";

Now the output is:

php loop example

Let me create one last example of loop (foreach loop) in PHP:

   $myarr = array("Python", "CSS", "JS", "PHP", "SQL");
   foreach($myarr as $x)
      echo $x;
      echo "<BR>";

The output should be:


Note - For detail of any loop, either follow the Next Tutorial right after this paragraph, or refer to the separate tutorial directly using the link given at start of the article.

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