C Program to Find Profit and Loss

In this article, we will learn about how to create a program in C that will ask the user to enter the cost price and selling price of any item to calculate and print the profit or loss on that item.

int main()
    float sp, cp, pf, ls;
    printf("Enter cost price: ");
    scanf("%f", &cp);
    printf("Enter selling price: ");
    scanf("%f", &sp);
        pf = sp-cp;
        printf("Profit = %.2f", pf);
    else if(cp>sp)
        ls = cp-sp;
        printf("Loss = %.2f", ls);
        printf("No profit and loss.");
    return 0;

As the above program was written in the Code::Blocks IDE, here is the snapshot of the first sample run:

c program find profit loss

Now supply the values of cost and selling price, say 1200 as the cost price and 1450 as the selling price, and press the ENTER key to see the output, either in profit or in loss. As we purchased the item in 1200 and sold it in 1450, we have made a profit of 250 on that item. Here is the second snapshot of the sample run:

print profit loss c program

Now let's run the program a second time. If the cost price is less than the selling price, then we will earn the money as profit; otherwise, if the cost price is greater than the selling price, then we will lose the money as a loss. Here is the snapshot of the sample run; in this case, there is a loss of some money:

c program profit loss selling cost price

Let's check the above program with another sample run to see what will happen if cost price and selling price become equal:

c program calculate profit loss

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