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- Python break vs. continue
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- Python Built-in Types
- Python Data Types
- Python Lists
- Python Tuples
- Python Sets
- Python frozenset
- Python Dictionary
- List vs. Tuple vs. Dict vs. Set
- Python Numbers
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- Python Date and Time
- Python Exception Handling
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- Python Advanced
- Python Classes and Objects
- Python @classmethod Decorator
- Python @staticmethod Decorator
- Python Class vs. Static Method
- Python @property Decorator
- Python Keywords
- Python Keywords
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- Python True
- Python False
- Python None
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- Python lambda
- Python assert
- Python Built-in Functions
- Python All Built-in Functions
- Python print() Function
- Python input() Function
- Python int() Function
- Python len() Function
- Python range() Function
- Python str() Function
- Python ord() Function
- Python chr() Function
- Python read()
- Python write()
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- Python Examples
- Python Examples
frozenset in Python with Example
In contrast to set, frozenset is immutable or unchangeable. We use frozenset when we need to create an iterable-like set but with immutable properties.
Note: The frozenset type is equal to the set type in Python, except that it is immutable, whereas set is mutable.
Let's create a program that creates a frozenset type object named fs and prints its type using the type function:
x = [12, 43, 5, 64] fs = frozenset(x) print(type(fs))
The output should be:
<class 'frozenset'>
Because the frozenset type object is immutable, let's create a program to demonstrate this property by changing the element:
x = [12, 43, 5, 64, 32, 55] fs = frozenset(x) print(fs) fs[2] = 400 print(fs)
The image below displays an example of the output this Python program produced:
That is, the code, fs[2] = 400
raised an exception named TypeError, saying that the object frozenset does not support item assignment. The exception
can be caught using the try-except block, as shown in the program given below:
x = [12, 43, 5, 64, 32, 55] fs = frozenset(x) print(fs) try: fs[2] = 400 print(fs) except TypeError: print("\nThe frozenset type object does not allow item assignment")
Now the output should be:
frozenset({64, 32, 5, 43, 12, 55}) The frozenset type object does not allow item assignment
Because the frozenset type is immutable, we can use its items as keys in a dictionary or for any other purpose that the program requires.
Advantages of frozenset in Python
- Immutability: "Frozenset" is immutable, which means that once it has been created, its elements cannot be changed. This makes it useful in circumstances where you want to avoid data modification by accident.
- Hashability: "Frozenset" objects can be used as keys in dictionaries and as components in other sets because they are hashable.
- Performance: "Frozenset" objects are performance optimized, particularly when working with large data sets. This is because a hash table, which enables quick lookups and insertions, is used to implement them.
Disadvantages of frozenset in Python
- Immutability: Although it sometimes works to your advantage, immutability can also work against you. "frozenset" might not be the best choice if you frequently need to modify the set.
- Lack of support for the "add," "remove," or "discard" methods limits the functionality of "Frozenset," which may limit its applicability in some circumstances.
- Memory usage: Because "Frozenset" objects need extra overhead to ensure immutability and hashability, they can use more memory than regular sets. This might be a problem when memory usage is a crucial consideration.
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