- Python Basics
- Python Tutorial
- Python Applications
- Python Versions
- Python environment setup
- Python Basic Syntax
- Python end (end=)
- Python sep (sep=)
- Python Comments
- Python Identifiers
- Python Variables
- Python Operators
- Python Ternary Operator
- Python Operator Precedence
- Python Control and Decision
- Python Decision Making
- Python if elif else
- Python Loops
- Python for Loop
- Python while Loop
- Python break Statement
- Python continue Statement
- Python pass Statement
- Python break vs. continue
- Python pass vs. continue
- Python Built-in Types
- Python Data Types
- Python Lists
- Python Tuples
- Python Sets
- Python frozenset
- Python Dictionary
- List vs. Tuple vs. Dict vs. Set
- Python Numbers
- Python Strings
- Python bytes
- Python bytearray
- Python memoryview
- Python Misc Topics
- Python Functions
- Python Variable Scope
- Python Enumeration
- Python import Statement
- Python Modules
- Python operator Module
- Python os Module
- Python Date and Time
- Python Exception Handling
- Python File Handling
- Python Advanced
- Python Classes and Objects
- Python @classmethod Decorator
- Python @staticmethod Decorator
- Python Class vs. Static Method
- Python @property Decorator
- Python Keywords
- Python Keywords
- Python and
- Python or
- Python not
- Python True
- Python False
- Python None
- Python in
- Python is
- Python as
- Python with
- Python yield
- Python return
- Python del
- Python from
- Python lambda
- Python assert
- Python Built-in Functions
- Python All Built-in Functions
- Python print() Function
- Python input() Function
- Python int() Function
- Python len() Function
- Python range() Function
- Python str() Function
- Python ord() Function
- Python chr() Function
- Python read()
- Python write()
- Python open()
- Python Examples
- Python Examples
Python or keyword
If any of the expressions, statements, or operands evaluate to true, the "or" keyword returns True. For example:
a = 50 b = 60 c = 70 d = 80 print(a>b or b>c or d>c)
The output is:
Or is a logical operator that combines boolean expressions. The "or" keyword returns True if at least one of the expressions evaluates to True; otherwise, it returns False.
The "or" keyword employs short-circuit evaluation, which means that if the first expression in a "or" expression evaluates to True, the second expression is not evaluated.
The "or" keyword has lower precedence than comparison operators (such as ==, >, <), but higher precedence than "and."
The "or" keyword returns the first value that is considered "True" in a boolean context when used with non-boolean values. If no value is considered "True", the last value will be returned.
The "or" keyword may also be used in list comprehension and generator expressions. The "or" and "not" keywords can be combined to create more complex boolean expressions. The "or" keyword is available in all Python versions as part of the standard library.
Common uses of the "or" keyword in programming include testing for multiple conditions simultaneously and assigning default values to variables.
The truth table of the Python "or" keyword
The table given below shows the truth table of the Python "or" keyword:
X | Y | X or Y |
True | True | True |
True | False | True |
False | True | True |
False | False | False |
Python "or" keyword example
Here is an example of the Python "or" keyword:
print(True or False) print(False or False) print(True or True) print(True or True or True or False or True or True) print(False or False or False or False or False)
The output is:
True False True True False
Advantages of the "or" keyword in Python
- The "or" keyword simplifies complex boolean expressions by allowing multiple conditions to be combined into a single expression.
- The "or" keyword allows you to test for multiple conditions without writing separate if statements for each.
- Efficiency: By circumventing the evaluation of boolean expressions, the "or" keyword can increase the efficiency of your code. When the first condition of a "or" expression evaluates to True, the remaining conditions are ignored.
- Clarity: The "or" keyword makes code more readable by making it clear that multiple conditions are being tested.
Disadvantages of the "or" keyword in Python
- Ambiguity arises from the fact that the "or" keyword, when used in more complicated boolean expressions, may at times be subject to ambiguity. It may be difficult to determine which conditions are being evaluated first if the order in which operations are being performed is not made crystal clear.
- Unintended results can occur when using the "or" keyword if the conditions that are being tested are not clearly defined. This can sometimes result in unexpected results. If one of the conditions is a variable that can either be None or an empty string, for instance, the "or" expression might return True even if the variable has a value that is not what was anticipated to be the case with the variable.
- Overuse: If you use the "or" keyword in your code too frequently, it can make it difficult to read and understand the code. Expressions using the "or" operator can make your code unnecessarily complicated and difficult to maintain if you use them too frequently.
- False positives can occur in your code if the evaluation of one of the conditions contained within a "or" expression is incorrect. This can be the cause of false positives. Because of this, unanticipated behavior may result, making it more challenging to diagnose and fix problems.
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