Python Program to Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius

This article is created to cover some programs in Python, to convert temperature from Fahrenheit (entered by user) to Celsius. Here are the list of programs:

Fahrenheit to Celsius Formula

Fahrenheit to Celsius formula is:

C = (F-32)/1.8

Here F indicates to the value of temperature in Fahrenheit, whereas C indicates to temperature value in Celsius

Note - If you're curious to know more about this formula, then refer to Celsius to Fahrenheit Formula Explained.

Fahrenheit to Celsius without Function

To convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius in Python, you have to ask from user to enter temperature in Fahrenheit to convert that temperature into Celsius as shown in the program given below.

print("Enter Temperature in Fahrenheit: ")
fah = float(input())

cel = (fah-32)/1.8
print("\nEquivalent Temperature in Celsius: ", cel)

Here is the initial output produced by this Python program:

convert fahrenheit to celsius python

Now supply the input say 98 as temperature in Fahrenheit, press ENTER key to convert and print its equivalent Celsius value as shown in the snapshot given below:

fahrenheit to celsius python

Note - To format value of Celsius upto only two decimal places, refer to the program given below. That is the modified version of above program.

Modified Version of Previous Program

This program uses end= to skip printing of an automatic newline. And {:.2f} with format() method is used to print the value of variable written as argument of format(), upto only two decimal places.

print("Enter Temperature in Fahrenheit: ", end="")
fah = float(input())

cel = (fah-32)/1.8
print("\nEquivalent Temperature in Celsius = {:.2f}".format(cel))

Here is its sample run with same user input as of previous program's sample run:

python convert fahrenheit to celsius

Fahrenheit to Celsius using Function

This program is created using a user-defined function named FahToCel(). This function takes a value as its argument, and returns its equivalent Celsius value. Therefore equivalent Celsius value of fah's value gets initialized to cel. The value of cel gets printed as Celsius equivalent of given temperature in Fahrenheit by user at run-time:

def FahToCel(f):
    return (f-32)/1.8

print("Enter Temperature in Fahrenheit: ", end="")
fah = float(input())

cel = FahToCel(fah)
print("\nEquivalent Temperature in Celsius = {:.2f}".format(cel))

This program produces same output as of previous program.

Fahrenheit to Celsius using Class

This is the last program, created using class, an object-oriented feature of Python.

class fresherearth:
    def FahToCel(self, f):
        return (f-32)/1.8

print("Enter Temperature in Fahrenheit: ", end="")
fah = float(input())

ob = fresherearth()
cel = ob.FahToCel(fah)
print("\nEquivalent Temperature in Celsius = {:.2f}".format(cel))

An object named ob is created of class fresherearth to access its member function named FahToCel() using dot (.) operator.

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