- Python Built-in Functions
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- Python ascii() Function
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Python ascii() function
The ascii() function in Python is used to replace any non-ASCII characters with escape characters. For example:
x = "cödëscråckêr.cöm" print(ascii(x))
The characters ö, ë, å, and ê are non-ascii characters. Therefore, the function ascii() converts or replaces all these non-ASCII characters with escape characters. That is:
- ö replaced with \xf6
- ë replaced with \xeb
- å replaced with \xe5
- ê replaced with \xea
Here is the output produced by the above Python program, demonstrating the ascii() function:
Python ascii() function syntax
The syntax of the ascii() function in Python is:
The "obj" is any object, such as a list, string, tuple, dictionary, etc.
Python ascii() function example
Here's a simple Python ascii() function example:
x = ["cödes", "crackër", "dot", "com"] x = ascii(x) print(x)
Here is its sample output:
['c\xf6des', 'crack\xebr', 'dot', 'com']
Advantages of the ascii() function in Python
- Readability: Non-printable or non-ASCII characters can be represented in a printable form using the ascii() function, which can make strings and objects easier to read.
- Python 2 and Python 3 both support the ascii() function, making it a portable option for encoding non-ASCII characters.
- Consistency: The ascii() function offers a consistent method of encoding characters and objects, making sure that they can be represented and processed correctly across various platforms and systems.
Disadvantages of the ascii() function in Python
- The ascii() function has limited functionality because it can only encode printable non-ASCII characters and objects. It cannot be used to carry out other operations or convert objects into different data types.
- Size of output: The ascii() function can generate lengthy and occasionally difficult-to-read output, especially for objects that contain a large number of non-ASCII characters.
- Character loss: Because the ascii() function only supports the ASCII character set, some non-ASCII characters may have information lost or their meaning altered during the encoding process. As a result, objects or strings may be represented inaccurately or insufficiently.
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