- Python Built-in Functions
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- Python print() Function
- Python input() Function
- Python int() Function
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- Python ord() Function
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- Python Dictionary Functions
- Python dict() Function
- Python update() Function
- Python get() Function
- Python keys() Function
- Python setdefault() Function
- Python fromkeys() Function
- Python items() Function
- Python popitem() Function
- Python Tuple Function
- Python tuple() Function
- Python Set Functions
- Python set() Function
- Python frozenset() Function
- Python String Functions
- Python split() Function
- Python join() Function
- Python format() Function
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- Python Class Functions
- Python object() Function
- Python property() Function
- Python getattr() Function
- Python setattr() Function
- Python hasattr() Function
- Python delattr() Function
- Python classmethod() Function
- Python staticmethod() Function
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- Python dir() Function
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Python setattr() Function
The setattr() function in Python is used when we need to set a value of any specified attribute of an object. For example:
class fresherearth: Name = "Olivia Marquess" University = "The University of Manchester" Course = "Engineering" City = "Manchester" ob = fresherearth() print("The name of student is:", ob.Name) setattr(fresherearth, "Name", "Amelia Baron") print("\nNow the name of student is:", ob.Name)
The snapshot given below shows the sample output produced by above program, demonstrating the setattr() function in Python:
Python setattr() Function Syntax
The syntax of setattr() function in Python, is:
setattr(object, attribute, newValue)
All the three parameters are required. The function setattr() basically does not returns any value, or we can say, it returns None. The function only sets a new value of specified attribute to specified object.
Python setattr() Function Example
Here is an example of setattr() function in Python:
class fresherearth: Name = "Olivia Marquess" University = "The University of Manchester" Course = "Computer Science" City = "Manchester" ob = fresherearth() print("----Modify the value of any of the following attributes----") print("1. Name") print("2. University") print("3. Course") print("4. City") print("\nEnter Your Choice (1-4): ", end="") choice = int(input()) if choice == 1: print("Enter the new name of student: ", end="") n = input() setattr(ob, "Name", n) elif choice == 2: print("Enter the new name of university: ", end="") u = input() setattr(ob, "University", u) elif choice == 3: print("Enter the new name of course: ", end="") co = input() setattr(ob, "Course", co) elif choice == 4: print("Enter the new name of city: ", end="") ci = input() setattr(ob, "City", ci) else: print("\nInvalid Choice!") if 1 <= choice <= 4: print("\nName:", ob.Name) print("University:", ob.University) print("Course:", ob.Course) print("City:", ob.City)
The sample run with user input 3 as choice and Sports and Exercise Science as new course name, is shown in the snapshot given below:
What if Specified Attribute is not Available ?
In case if the specified attribute is not available in specified object, then a new attribute with given value will get created. For example:
class fresherearth: Name = "Olivia Marquess" University = "The University of Manchester" Course = "Engineering" City = "Manchester" ob = fresherearth() setattr(fresherearth, "Country", "England") print("\nThe name of country is:", ob.Country)
The output will be:
The name of country is: England
But creating of new attribute using setattr(), in case if the specified attribute is not available, is only possible when specified object implements the __dict__ attribute. The dir() function helps to check all the attributes of any object.
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