- Python Built-in Functions
- Python All Built-in Functions
- Python print() Function
- Python input() Function
- Python int() Function
- Python float() Function
- Python len() Function
- Python range() Function
- Python str() Function
- Python ord() Function
- Python chr() Function
- Python ascii() Function
- Python pow() Function
- Python type() Function
- Python List Functions
- Python list() Function
- Python insert() Function
- Python append() Function
- Python extend() Function
- Python pop() Function
- Python remove() Function
- Python reverse() Function
- Python sort() Function
- Python sorted() Function
- Python Dictionary Functions
- Python dict() Function
- Python update() Function
- Python get() Function
- Python keys() Function
- Python setdefault() Function
- Python fromkeys() Function
- Python items() Function
- Python popitem() Function
- Python Tuple Function
- Python tuple() Function
- Python Set Functions
- Python set() Function
- Python frozenset() Function
- Python String Functions
- Python split() Function
- Python join() Function
- Python format() Function
- Python replace() Function
- Python Iterator Functions
- Python iter() Function
- Python min() Function
- Python max() Function
- Python sum() Function
- Python count() Function
- Python index() Function
- Python copy() Function
- Python clear() Function
- Python next() Function
- Python filter() Function
- Python enumerate() Function
- Python zip() Function
- Python reversed() Function
- Python Number Functions
- Python abs() Function
- Python bin() Function
- Python oct() Function
- Python hex() Function
- Python round() Function
- Python divmod() Function
- Python complex() Function
- Python File Handling Functions
- Python open() Function
- Python read() Function
- Python readable() Function
- Python readline() Function
- Python readlines() Function
- Python write() Function
- Python writable() Function
- Python writelines() Function
- Python close() Function
- Python seek() Function
- Python tell() Function
- Python flush() Function
- Python fileno() Function
- Python truncate() Function
- Python Class Functions
- Python object() Function
- Python property() Function
- Python getattr() Function
- Python setattr() Function
- Python hasattr() Function
- Python delattr() Function
- Python classmethod() Function
- Python staticmethod() Function
- Python issubclass() Function
- Python super() Function
- Python Misc Functions
- Python all() Function
- Python any() Function
- Python isatty() Function
- Python bool() Function
- Python callable() Function
- Python globals() Function
- Python locals() Function
- Python dir() Function
- Python id() Function
- Python isinstance() Function
- Python map() Function
- Python repr() Function
- Python slice() Function
- Python vars() Function
- Python Advance Functions
- Python help() Function
- Python hash() Function
- Python breakpoint() Function
- Python bytes() Function
- Python bytearray() Function
- Python memoryview() Function
- Python compile() Function
- Python eval() Function
- Python exec() Function
- Python Tutorial
- Python Tutorial
- Python Examples
- Python Examples
Python reverse() Function
The reverse() function in Python is used to reverse the elements of a list. For example:
x = [12, 34, 45, 6] x.reverse() print(x)
The output produced by above Python program, is given below:
[6, 45, 34, 12]
Python reverse() Function Syntax
The syntax of reverse() function in Python is:
Python reverse() Function Example
The program given below is a simple example of reverse() function that is used to reverse a list, entered by user:
print("How many element to store in the list ? ", end="") tot = int(input()) print("Enter", tot, "elements: ", end="") mylist = [] for i in range(tot): element = input() mylist.append(element) print("\nThe list is:") for i in range(tot): print(mylist[i], end=" ") print("\n\nReversing the list...") mylist.reverse() print("\nNow the list is:") for i in range(tot): print(mylist[i], end=" ") print()
The snapshot given below shows the sample run with user input 4 as list size, 98, 87, 76, 65 as four elements:
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