Python isatty() Function

The isatty() function in Python, used to check whether a file is connected to a tty type device or not.

The tty stands for teletypewriter, is an input device (terminal device) used to perform the input/output operation based on character-by-character process.

Note: The communication between terminal device and the program itself, is controlled by the tty interface. Here the program is used to read and write the data.

The isatty() function suggests the definition in its name. That is, isatty stands for is a tty. Simply, means whether the file object is connected to a tty. If yes, then True returned, otherwise False returned. That is why, I always says, Python is sometime feels like very simple language, like reading the book and understanding the thing :)

Python isatty() Syntax

The syntax to use Python's isatty() function is:


where fo is the file handler or file object.

Note: The isatty() function in Python, returns True if the file object or stream is connected to a terminal device. Otherwise returns False.

Python isatty() Example

Here is an example of isatty() function in Python:

fo = open("fresherearth.txt", "r")

Since the file object fo is not connected to a tty type terminal device, therefore the above program produces False on output screen like shown in the snapshot given below:

python isatty function

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